Dalin Olivier has captured audiences with his clean cut energetic brand of stand-up comedy since his debut performance in 2010. In 2011, he performed alongside Stuart Taylor at On Broadway for four nights, played the main stage at two shows at the prestigious Vodacom Funny Festival and featured on the line-up of the Vodacom Funny Festival Community Road Show.

Dalin Oliver is currently the Sports Presenter on Good Hope FM’s Lunch Time show; Lunch On Mars, Hosted by Stan Mars weekdays 12:00 – 15:00.

In 2013 Dalin Olivier performed with comedians Nik Rabinowitz, Stuart Taylor, Riaad Moosa, Schalk Bezuidenhoudt and Kagiso Mokgadi at “Keeping you in Stitches 2” which was held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

Comedian Dalin Olivier’s one man show “I Came, I Taught, I Left” was a big hit at the National Arts Festival.
