One of them is a master comic who tries to cook, and the other a renowned celebrity chef, who’s been known to crack the odd joke. Chris Forrest has been on the SA comedy scene since the late nineties, and Pete Goffe-Wood, best known as a judge on Masterchef South Africa, has been making great food for nearly 30 years.

When the two of them met on the set of Celebrity Masterchef SA, they found that they had a couple of things in common; one of them was the same dry sense of humour, the other was a liking for mouthwateringly delicious food.
After the filming of the series was complete they decided combine their respective talents to bring you a hilarious culinary comedy show, the likes of which have never been seen before in SA, which will have you holding your abs from laughter whilst drooling at the amazing cuisine before them.

This duo will win over your hearts and your stomachs!
